Saturday, October 31, 2009


Option: Ni Karma System
The way Ni Karma works in brief is that by helping the raids and the guild, you earn points of Karma. For example, participating in an hour of raiding could give +5 Karma.
Whenever you roll on an item, you can choose to roll "with karma" or not. If you roll with karma, then it will add your Karma to your roll. Then, if you win that item, you lose half of your karma. Simple as that!
* You can still roll on items that you may not need tremendously, and might win them - which means there won't be any sharded gear that people could still use. Since winning without choosing to roll with karma doesn't cost you anything, you don't get the same problems as with some DKP systems where people don't spend because it's not -as- good as it could be.
* You can still have a high chance of getting what you actually want.
* Even new recruits or first-timers have a chance to win an item, especially if it's one nobody else is willing to spend karma on. On the other hand, people who run with us often will have a tasty chance to get things they want.

Here's the problems and some proposed solutions:
If you get people to merely say in /raid whether they want to roll with Karma or not, and then roll, you might get people waiting to see what someone else will do before they choose. For example, if Missuber wants an item and chooses to roll with Karma and announces that, and then rolls a 1, so that her total is a mere 41 (1 +40 karma) , then Fuglybub might just roll a regular roll instead of spending karma, since he might be confident to roll above a 41. On the other hand, if Missuber had rolled a 50, he might spend the karma then, instead.
To fix this problem, there are a number of solutions:
First, we can have people send a whisper to the Raid Captain (BEFORE their roll) whether or not they want to roll with or without karma, and then roll. This way, though, people still see the rolls, and will have to guess if people are using karma or not - so the same waiting might still happen. In addition, especially with me, it's hard to check the timestamps since I use an addon that keeps tells in individual windows.
The other way to fix it would be to give a 30 second window for rolls, and that's it - that way, people can't afford to wait, since they might lose out on the item completely. That way, there's no chance for calculations of odds and comparing to other people's karma and rolls.
This has an additional problem, though - when do you start the window? You have to give people a chance to look over the gear and decide what they want to do. And what if someone misses the gear? How unfortunate! You can't go back and reassign it, as it wouldn't be fair...
The last way to fix it is to have people message the Raid Captain if they want to use karma or not, and then the Raid Captain will do a roll for everyone all at once, themselves --- this is tedious for the Raid Captain, and I think it might look a bit... fishy? Still.

Any other suggestions for it?